Consumers today are increasingly health-conscious, looking for more convenience and ever more conscious of the impact of what they consume on our planet today. Combining these needs, manufacturers in the prepared meals industry need to pay detailed attention to the ingredients they use and the communication they make on pack to the targeted consumers.
In addition to that, a ready meal being a composition of many different raw materials is probably the most challenging of all to ensure food safety and adequate shelf-life for.
Galactic's expertise within the ready meals segment allows us to support food manufacturers around the globe in meeting these challenges by providing innovative solutions that meet the demands of both convenience-seeking consumers and those who prioritize the quality of their food. We believe that prepared meals should not compromise on taste, freshness, or nutritional value.

By combining renewable raw materials and a sustainable natural production process we support in reaching the care for the planet aspect ready meal consumers are looking for. Further Galactic is ready to support, with customized solutions, thanks to a range of solutions specifically designed to protect and preserve ready meals of all types. With a dedicated range of antimicrobials perfected for protection against spoilage bacteria, pathogens and growth of yeasts and molds, prolonging shelf-life for higher consumer convenience has never been so easy.
Not forgetting the importance of excellent taste, our natural flavors are created through slow fermentation and infusion techniques. These natural flavors not only add a delightful taste to prepared meals but also contribute to maintaining freshness and high quality throughout the product shelf-life.

Contact Galactic today to explore how our expertise and ingredient range can elevate your prepared meals. No matter if we talk about a rice and curry dish, a fresh pasta salad or a warming soup, our team is here to provide you with the support and information you need to enhance the quality, taste, and appeal of your products.